We recently received a note from Dr. Werner Furlan, OE9FWV. He found a nice little garbage can that he used to create some weather protection for his SG-231 Smartuner.
"Hello from Austria. Just to inform you about a good weather protection case I found, and which might be interesting to other users: the german company Buchsteiner (www.buchsteiner.de) produces a garbage can called 'Stuttgart'. My SG-231 fits nicely into this bin, the only attachment needed are 2 screws."
The Buchsteiner garbage can is quite nice looking and obviously readily available in Germany. Other similar cans are available throughout the world for this sort of use.
It needs to be emphasized at this point that the SG-231, and in fact all of the SGC Smartuners except the SG-239, come in a waterproof enclosure. Putting a garbage can over this is not required, but it does extend the life of your waterproof container by protecting it from direct sunlight and weather. Using some form of protection over your coupler is a good way to extend the life of your investment.
As you can see from the picture, the SG-231 fits nicely inside the garbage can.
Once inside, the whole assembly is mounted on a mast:
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